At the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, October 5th, a number of proxies were registered prior to the meeting, but then rejected by the Board, Our Bylaws provide in:
Section 7.10 Proxies
Every unit owner, first mortgagee, or other person entitled to vote at a meeting of unit owners may appoint a proxyholder, or one or more proxyholders, who need not be unit owners, to attend and act at the meeting in the manner and to the extent authorized and with the authority conferred by the proxy.
Board members sought support for “their position” by obtaining proxies from residents who were obviously misled by the misrepresentations within the ANNUAL AGM REPORT. THOSE PROXIES RECEIVED BOARD RECOGNITION, BUT PROXIES NOT OBTAINED BY BOARD MEMBERS, WERE REFUSED RECOGNITION. Several proxies of unit owners were duly registered prior to the meeting. However, in contravention of the law, including our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act, these proxies provided by several owners were refused recognition and their interests not permitted to be represented at the meeting.
The receptionist at the entrance to the meeting accepted registration of the proxies, however Board members shortly after the registration, refused entry to the proxy holder. Such classic behavior on the part of the Board, is not unusual but certainly reflects and confirms their ongoing illegal and oppressive conduct towards “selected” residents.
Such conduct of course provides reasonable cause for a demand upon the Board to call a legitimate AGM to be conducted abscent of such illegal procedures. This would provide the Board an opportunity to address and correct the misrepresentations within their prepared AGM report, and prepare and present a legitimate Reserve Fund Budget, and seek the required AGM approvals by resolution of unit owners as is required by law.
It is requested that the Board call upon unit owners immediately, to a legitimate AGM to be held within the next thirty days. Should the Board not respect this most reasonable request, a Court application will be made to order the October 5th meeting to be non binding and that a new Annual General Meeting be called as soon as possible..