Parking regulations continue to be abused by who? The commercial owner and the Board of Directors. Residents are not pleased!
For years, the commercial owner has chosen at will to use commercial visitor parking stalls for their own personal use. As per our Bylaws and building regulations, these stalls are to be used ONLY FOR CLIENTS VISITING COMMERCIAL TENANTS. They are not to be used by the commercial owners or their related entities which includes the property management company or other related entities. Unfortunately, the caretaker has been instructed to not enforce these Bylaws and Regulations.
For many months now, we have residential Board members, who have as well contravened these same Bylaws and Regulations, where they simply use residential visitor parking at their own will as they have a second vehicle, but refuse to rent a parking stall for their second vehicle. Again, there is no enforcement of this infraction by the caretaker. HOWEVER, any non Board member resident, is immediately informed by the caretaker, and often with harassment, to respect our Bylaws and Regulations in this regard.
Both of these infractions on the part of the commercial owner and that of residential Board members, create unnecessary pressure on residential visitor parking, of course at the expense and inconvenience of residential unit owners and their legitimate visitors.
Residents can no longer remain mute on such infractions while at the same time accept caretaker harassment upon any such infraction on their own part!