Property Managers & Conflicts of Interest

Jun 29, 2018 10:06 AM
Grant Dewey
How do you work through a board member choosing to work for the current CAM company?  What should be done about potential conflicts of interest, such as approving checks/payments for the company that employs you?


Jun 29, 2018 10:47 AM
Craig F. Wilson, Jr
A competent and forthright management company would never have an individual who serves on the Board of a client association have anything to do with the management duties with regard to that client.  If they do, they are, at best, foolish.

Additionally, the Board member working for the management company should always recuse themselves from any discussion and/or vote on any matter even peripherally related to the management company, but most definitely relating to their contract or performance.

Personally, if my company managed the association where I lived, I would not want anyone to even know that I worked for the management company.

Craig F. Wilson Jr., CMCA, AMS, PCAM, President
Vanguard Management Associates, Inc.
Germantown, MD
(301)540-8600 x3305
[email protected]

The above posts were made by CAI (Community Association Institute) members to the association forum. Spadina Towers has probably the worst of management/Board conflict of interest issues in the country.  Only a fool would not agree with the urgency of contracting a TOTALLY INDEPENDENT PROPERTY MANAGER that has no association with Board members. These conflicts have cost our owners hundreds of thousands of dollars for unnecessary and illegitimate expenditures that have never received the required legal approval as per our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act.

Spadina News Center

Commercial Owner & Board Members EXEMPT From Visitor Parking Regulations At the Expense of Residents

Parking regulations continue to be abused by who? The commercial owner and the Board of Directors. Residents are not pleased!

For years, the commercial owner has chosen at will to use commercial visitor parking stalls for their own personal use. As per our Bylaws and building regulations, these stalls are to be used ONLY FOR CLIENTS VISITING COMMERCIAL TENANTS. They are not to be used by the commercial owners or their related entities which includes the property management company or other related entities. Unfortunately, the caretaker has been instructed to not enforce these Bylaws and Regulations.

For many months now, we have residential Board members, who have as well contravened these same Bylaws and Regulations, where they simply use residential visitor parking at their own will as they have a second vehicle, but refuse to rent a parking stall for their second vehicle. Again, there is no enforcement of this infraction by the caretaker. HOWEVER, any non Board member resident, is immediately informed by the caretaker, and often with harassment, to respect our Bylaws and Regulations in this regard.

Both of these infractions on the part of the commercial owner and that of residential Board members, create unnecessary pressure on residential visitor parking, of course at the expense and inconvenience of residential unit owners and their legitimate visitors.

Residents can no longer remain mute on such infractions while at the same time accept caretaker harassment upon any such infraction on their own part!




As previously advised, qualified Saskatoon contractors, including DJ Window Cleaning have been prepared to clean our windows over the past four years. They use certified equipment including temporary roof anchors and suspension equipment which is included in their window cleaning fees. Certification conforms with requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. Why has the Board refused to clean common area windows as per our Bylaws?

As for other repair work which may be considered to the exterior of the building, there is no need for a permanent installation of roof anchors. Again, fully safety certified equipment is available in Saskatoon on a rental basis to contractors to conduct such work. This includes temporary anchors, swing stage and related equipment. The cost of such equipment rental is as follows:

Rental-Swingstage c/w hoists, power cords, 110 V box, all required rigging: suspension cables, life lines, rope grabs, fist grips, tieback cables, anchors (4).

Rental (one month)                                 $1,330.00

Setup of Stage                                          1,000.00

Take Down of Stage                                  1,000.00

$3,330.00  Taxes/freight additional

With fully certified equipment available for rental to contractors to do this work, why would Spadina Towers consider spending a reported estimate of approximately $100,000 for roof anchors only when ALL equipment can be rented, installed and removed for $3330.00? As for window cleaning, such equipment is included in the window cleaners fee, so no such rental is necessary. In the past 40 plus years, we have completed window cleaning with contractors using FULLY CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT. Only once in these 40 plus years have we conducted facial maintenance to the exterior of the building, and in that event, the work was conducted by a contractor who was required as per the contract, to confirm liability insurance and certification from the Workers Compensation Board.

Please bring an end to this unnecessary dilemma and arrange to have our windows cleaned ASAP and end any foolish consideration of spending thousands of dollars on permanent roof anchors. Of course, any such expenditure is capital in nature and requires approval by special resolution of unit owners.