SCC Board Address Demanded by Residents

Any responsible resident who has noticed that the curtains in the elevator have been up for over two months, will tell you that it is very much a disgrace to our building!

Management, the caretaker and of course the Board, all deserve hearing some of the many well deserved comments about their disrespect for even the most moderate standards of care. It really does say something about a primarily absent and most dysfunctional Board that couldn’t care less about the interests of their fellow residents. The only response to date has basically been, WAIT UNTIL WE ARE BACK IN THE SPRING! Dysfunctional Board? Of course! Residents deserve much better representation than that!

We can no longer tolerate an absentee Board, which has proven to be to the detriment of our residents. As is common practice with properly governed condominium associations, should any Board member be physically absent for 3 consecutive monthly Board meetings, they shall be dismissed from the Board. This is obviously a most responsible measure of responsible governance, and is certainly in the best interest of residents.

Unfortunately, it continues to be a very reasonable option, the need to bring in qualified candidates for our Board of Directors, from outside the Corporation, in order to provide willing and responsible Board representation, that is not unduly influenced by the current controlling interest of the Corporation. It is most unfortunate, that residents must be continuously reminded, that our Corporation is very unique, in that two individuals, one commercial and one residential owner, dictate not only who will be elected to the Board but also, DICTATE EVERY DECISION OF THE CORPORATION unless a special resolution is required. No reasonably minded resident, would permit their name to be considered as a nominee, given these most unjust circumstances, which are clearly most damaging to all residential unit owners.

As long as residents refuse to acknowledge this FACT, they will continue to be subjected to the many continuing breaches of both our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act. It is obviously the silence of these residents, that prohibits any meaningful address and resolution to the many serious issues facing the interests of both they and their fellow residents.

THE IRRESPONSIBLE SILENCE OF RESIDENTS MUST BE BROKEN! Continuing requests for your cheques DOES IN FACT REQUIRE YOUR APPROVAL! Yet residents simply bow to these requests for their money, which is very much unlawful as per our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act. Your PREAPPROVAL of any Reserve Fund Expenditure (Elevators) was required, YET NO RESPECT OR REQUEST FOR YOUR APPROVAL WAS MADE BY THE BOARD.  Stand up for your rights! Or, simply continue to be taken advantage of!

People visiting the building have asked if our residential elevator is our FREIGHT elevator? Many residents have finally conceded and responded, yes it is! In addition to disrespect, it is very clear that management, the caretaker, and the Board, are all being very LAZY in performing their duties. Such practises are obviously unacceptable and very damaging to the interests of our residents.

The commercial elevator has not been permitted for use by common area mechanical contractors for their access and FREIGHT usage for a number of years. Contractors  serving residential units over the past several months, have used the elevator for FREIGHT purposes on very few days, yet the curtains remain up. The caretaker has been demanding a $25 fee for placing the curtains for “freight” use of the elevator, yet the curtains never come down. Why are residents subject to such neglect and inappropriate conduct on the part of the caretaker/management/and the Board?

Yet, the curtains remain in place, very much in disrespect of even the most moderate standards of residents. One must really sympathize with all residents who are embarrassed with the reaction of their guests that are repeatedly subjected to a most disconcerting impression on not only one but repeated visits. The commercial owner of course, could not care less. Sympathy is extended to those currently attempting to sell their condominium unit.. Potential purchasers are obviously, very much turned off with such building governance practices and disrespect for residents.

It is time residents speak up and demand that the Board is the responsible party and insist upon their immediate address to this yet again, another failure to respect the interests of our residents. For most of us, our living standards have certainly proven to be much more demanding, than those of our Board members. Residents were forced to participate in the $350,000 cost of the elevator replacement which did not receive the required support or even an opportunity to vote, by residents, whose approval is required by both our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act. Yet, it was residents, who bore the vast majority of not only the cost, but also the unnecessary, excessive,  inconvenience of this project.

Residents continue to bare the major inconvenience and interruptions of the misuse of their elevator via the Board’s unfortunate and irresponsible directive to permit its inappropriate use. Unfortunately, our resident Board members, continue to bow to the preferences and demands of their fellow commercial Board members on such matters.

There are those residents who unfortunately, will accept in silence their acceptance to such Board conduct, for various reasons, including those that have conflicting interests with the Corporation. Their silent voice, will simply be accepted as unsupportive of their fellow residents in seeking address to the issues referenced above.

It’s been a long winter with no meaningful response from the Board. The President has apparently agreed with the WAIT UNTIL SPRING and return of the snow bird position of the Board.  Do we wait for April, May or June for address to the many issues expressed by residents?




Comments to SCC Condo Newsletter

NATURAL GAS PRICES– It is very concerning that the Board would enter into a contract for natural gas with an alternate supplier to Sask Energy, when it was clearly known by the public at the time, that a reduction in natural gas rates from Sask Energy was projected for January 1, 2016. Spadina Towers will unfortunately not be experiencing this reduction in rates because of this unfortunate decision of the Board. Once again, why is the Board committing residents to such unnecessary costs without any consultation with them?

FINANCIALS- Why is the Board no longer providing any breakdown of expenditures, particularly when they are above budget? Why has a balance sheet and statement of the Reserve Fund not been presented? Residents can not be expected to simply take the word of the Board without being fully informed. With well over one million dollars spent on HVAC in the recent past, residents want to know why HVAC expenses are so high.

It is very interesting that the Board blames increased hot water usage for the supposed “spike” in water expense. How was this irrational correlation determined? The claims of widely fluctuating city water supply pressure are simply false and misleading, and there is no need to “set valves” to compensate. This claim is also irrational and as has been acknowledged to be so, by an engineer with the City of Saskatoon.

BUILDING OPERATIONS- It is unfortunate that the Board’s solution to the domestic hot water problem is simply to keep buying “spare” water heaters. There is obviously a design flaw and provisions to address such issues should have been included in the contract with the engineer where the responsibility lies. What assurances, guarantees and warranties were included in the contract with the engineer? It is certainly not reasonable for the Board to simply keep buying new water heaters at the expense of residents. It is however, their responsibility to hold the engineer accountable.

The fob system has provided NO change to security in the Residential section. NO change was ever necessary. The system was simply added at the request of the commercial owner who clearly wanted the system for convenience of their tenants. The residents Board members, simply bowed to their wishes.

Residents did not vote in favour of signage for BOTH THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS. Residents did vote, based upon a formal written motion, in favour of “A” sign identifying SPADINA TOWERS. The commercial owner already has sufficient signage. Any proposal for this new sign should be presented to unit owners at a general meeting for their review.

PARKING REMIDIATION- Why has the Board rejected all requests from residents for confirmation of structural damage in a detailed report from a structural engineer. Such response is very troubling and could lead to serious legal issues. Further, why has the Board not sought the approval of this project from the unit owners at a General Meeting as is required by the Act? The Act clearly requires all reserve fund expenditures to be presented in a reserve fund budget for the approval of unit owners. A further resolution approving a responsible plan for inclusion in reserve fund monthly condo fees is required as well. A General Meeting is of course required as soon as possible, in order to address these outstanding issues as is required by the Act. Yes, approval of residents is required.

As the Board has chosen to include as a news item the Statement of Claim against the Corporation by Dennis Tofin for “various damages to his properties” and would be a cost to the Corporation, the Board is advised that they could have easily addressed these damages for which they are responsible, long ago and at a far more reasonable cost. Unfortunately, they have refused to even respond. It should also be noted, that the counsel for the commercial owner has once again been retained by the Corporation rather than the Corporation’s own, long time counsel. Conflicting interests continue.

It is most unfortunate, that many of the serious issues facing this Corporation, could have been addressed at the TOWN HALL MEETINGS that the Board suggested, yet have since rejected. Residents find this this response of secrecy to be very disturbing, and yet once again ask the Board to conduct THEIR SUGGESTED TOWN HALL MEETING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

SCC Refuses Shaw Cable Opportunity to Provide Quotation

The Board advised the AGM in October, that a review of a proposal received from Sask Tel for providing TV and internet service to the building was far more competitive than what was available from Shaw Cable. This statement was made without even receiving a formal quotation from Shaw.

In November, it was revealed that Shaw requested a from a Board member, access to the building in order to prepare their proposal for services.

The Board member rejected this request and advised that he was away and would not be reviewing this matter until he returned in the spring following his winter vacation. When Shaw requested the name of another Board member or contact to permit them access, they were advised that he was the only one qualified to review the matter and rather rudely, rejected any further inquiries from the Shaw representative.

This Board member, has demonstrated a bias in favour of Sask Tel service, even without permitting Shaw reasonable access in order to provide a quotation. Whether there is some sort of conflicting interest here or not, his actions were very irresponsible and clearly not what is expected by residents from a Board member. To refuse to address this matter until spring, is also very irresponsible. Unit owners do not need an absentee Board member who refuses to conduct his responsibilities and delay such an important matter, solely for his own convenience.

I would suggest that an apology be made to Shaw for this most disrespectful behavior, and allow them access to the building so that they can provide their proposal. Residents do not have to wait until the return of an absentee Board member.