Some excellent advice for the SCC Board of Directors.
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Residents About to be Hit with A RESIDENT ONLY Special Assessment!
It has now been several years since the replacement of the residential hallway carpets. The selection of the new carpet has proven to simply be, a very problematic decision, both from a replacement cost perspective as well as, a substantial increase in required maintenance costs (should they be performed). Other replacement options with confirmed quotations were provided by residents, but were rejected by the “committee representing residents”.
Residents should be advised, that there are those proposing NEW CEILING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES in the residential hallways. This cost to residents will be very substantial, and with more, UNDISCLOSED AT PRESENT, proposed CASH CALLS currently (and unlawfully) being contemplated by the Board for other UNAPPROVED CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND EXPENDITURES, it is clearly time for residents to object to this unlawful conduct and express their participation.
The hallway carpets, as have predicted, proven to be easily stained during all seasons, and the failure of the caretaker to shampoo the carpet on a regular basis in order to address this problem via regular, responsible maintenance, has resulted in great disappointment. The hallway carpets have proven to be a great embarrassment to residents! A common question among residents continues to arise; why has the caretakers rejection of responsibility to maintain these carpets, including regular shampooing, been accepted by management and the Board? The continuing question of residents, yet repeatedly rejected by the Board remains. Why does the Board continue to unlawfully, reject access to resident requests, for a copy of the caretakers contract?
The violations on the part of the Board regarding Reserve Fund Expenditures are many and residents are totally unaware of them. An example: the commercial owner has demanded that residents participate in the cost of THEIR IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THEIR ELEVATOR CAB.
The request for immediate replacement of BOTH residential and commercial elevators, was made by the commercial owner. The provincial inspectors deemed before the replacement, that a total required expenditure of less than $40,000, was required to place the elevators into optimum condition. These reports were withheld from residents and the Board of Directors was unduly influenced by the commercial owner to support a total and unnecessary replacement of both the residential and commercial elevators. This resulted in a yet to be determined total cost, which has currently accumulated to an estimated $350,000 to date. This action of the Board, to appease the commercial owners demand to disregard any such QUALIFIED AND PROFESSIONAL REPORT, report, has resulted in an immediate and unquestioned declaration, that the residential Board members would agree with the expenditure, with no regard to consideration of the requirement of PRE ESTIMATED COST PROPSALS AND ESTIMATES. The comments of the elevator inspection authorities, who provided a much different recommendation at a substantially reduced cost estimate ($40,000), were totally rejected by the commercial owner who obviously, unduly influenced their fellow residential Board members. These residential Board members, simply succumbed to the wishes of the commercial owner, and went along with this very detrimental decision to incur the $350,000 plus expenditure on the elevators.
Residents have enough to be concerned about, without simply permitting the Board to continue with such unlawful expenditures using their money!
This is no time for silence. It is time, to recognize your rights as a condominium owner. It is time for you to speak up and voice your objection to spending your money without your say.