Residents Demanded to Pay for New Entrance Door to Commercial Unit

At the October, 2014 Annual General Meeting, the owner of the commercial units advised the meeting that the front entry door to the commercial units was to be replaced and as a common expense of the Corporation. Effectively, residents would bare the majority of the cost.

Yet once again, the Condominium Property Act, Section 8(1), clearly states that “doors and windows are part of a unit“. Therefore, should the commercial owner wish to modify or install a new front door to their unit, they must first of all, submit to the Board, a request in writing for permission to make this modification, and at the same time accept full responsibility of the cost, all subject to approval of the modification by the Board. The same requirement as outlined in both our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act, of course, apply to the entry door to any residential unit.

The commercial owner failed to make this formal request of the Corporation and further, submitted an invoice for reimbursement for the total cost of this major modification to the entrance of their condominium unit. The cost has reported to be some $10,000 plus. Appropriate objection by board members was apparently expressed, however the matter has been reported to “remain in dispute” after many months.

Residential board members are asked, why does this matter remain in dispute, when the Condominium Property Act regarding responsibility for cost is very explicit?