SCC Capital/Deferred Maintance Projects & A Proposed Reserve Fund Budget


Upadated on June 6, 2014 by CJ

Residents of Spadina Towers are about to be assessed major cash calls, to fund deferred or neglected projects, primarily of a capital nature. The following is a proposed budget that will provide residents with a more reasonable view and time frame, for completion of these projects and an estimate of their required contribution which may be demanded from them over the next few years. Residents should be provided with some form of budget so they are able to assess the potential financial impact upon them. The Board is requested to first of all prepare a Reserve Fund Budget this year, and provide for the required review and approval of unit owners.

The attached schedule is a prioritized list of capital expenditures and deferred maintenance that is to be considered at Spadina Towers. It is requested of the Board to please review this schedule and the attached proposed Reserve Fund Budget which I believe is in the interest of all unit owners to order to provide them with some understanding of just what these projects are and which are the priorities. Please click on the link below to view the schedule.

Capital Expenditures & Deferred Maintenance

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