Comments to April, 2014 Board Report


For the first two months of 2014, net energy costs are up a staggaring $10,000 plus (over 30% increase) compared to January and February, 2010, prior to installation of the new hot water heating system. The median temperature for both periods were about the same. Energy rate adjustments have of course been considered in this comparison.

The Board of Directors however, continues to report to residents that “we continue to see savings in our energy costs”. Unfortunately, it is apparent that our newest Board member is being provided with inaccurate and misleading information from management and his fellow board members.


The Board has again approved yet another Reserve Fund and Capital expenditure, that being the exercise room. Residents must be provided an opportunity to participate and voice their preferences as to what they wish to see done in this area including the cost.


This Reserve Fund and Capital Expenditure, must also include the participation and input of residents before they are asked to make any financial contribution. As per our Bylaws and the Condominium Property Act, this expenditure cannot be considered until consultation with residents is completed and their approval is received.


It has now been several years that we have heard that the parkade surface is in critical need of replacement. Yet as the years go by, this area continues to be neglected with no effort to conduct any annual maintenance. Once again, this expenditure cannot be considered until consultation with residents is completed and their approval is received. It is interesting to note, that the proposed option of the repair of the surface area, is simply an adherence to what has been recommended in our Reserve Fund Study, which was conducted more than five years ago. The failure of the Board to respect the recommendations of normal maintenance in this study, has now resulted in yet another  deferred maintenance project that could have been avoided.


The Board has failed and refused to recognize that spending other people’s money without their consultation or approval, is not permitted by our Bylaw’s or the Condominium Property Act. The Board has apparently failed or refused to recognize the importance of responsible maintenance in the building. This deferred maintenance is continuing to accumulate at a rapid pace. Painting and repair of balconies, maintenance and repair of perimeter heat lines and heat pumps, replacement of the humidifier, preventive maintenance and cleaning of drain lines, purchase of spare Enercon units, inspection and replacement of water shut off valves, installation of water supply isolation valves, are only a few examples of maintenance that has been deferred. Neglect of proper maintenance by management and the Board, has of course led to a great amount of unnecessary damage and inconvenience to residents for a number of years now. We are also now paying for this neglect with probably the highest insurance premium and deductible for a condominium property in Saskatoon. It is time for management and the Board to begin taking their responsibilities seriously.