Residents apparently don’t seem to notice or care about the waste of THEIR MONEY on expenditures in this building from which they receive no benefit.
A couple of years ago, the commercial owner advised the board that “Smart Plugs” should be installed for outdoor commercial parking stalls. Yes, there certainly were residents who did question and object to this expenditure of “their money” but were simply advised that it was for their benefit and would result in a major reduction in residential electrical costs.
Residential board members simply rejected these concerns of their fellow residents, and yet once again, provided unanimous support to the wishes of the commercial owner for yet another expenditure for their exclusive benefit. This may be an added value to the commercial units, but to those who know better, residents have paid the majority cost of this unneccessary expenditure, when there is absolutely no benefit to them!
Well, several years later, electrical costs continue to increase substantially, with no reason to believe that this expenditure has resulted in any such savings. If residents have not noticed, with ongoing below normal cold mid winter temperatures, their fellow residents have observed that commercial tenants or employees of Colliers DO NOT plug in their vehicles! If any do, they certainly have not done so during this record cold season! Obviously, there has been no promised electrical saving realized with this installation of smart plugs, but simply a waste and loss of residents money. The Board should demonstrate some responsible address to this matter, and require that the commercial owner use their own funds for this yet another expenditure that provides zero benefit to residents.
Again, residents must become much more attentive to such expenditures which continue without their objection. Residential board members simply agree to the commercial owners demands for such expenditures with little if any responsible representation of their fellow residents and their money.
It is therefore suggested that the board indeed take responsibility for such illegitimate use of resident funds, and require this wasted cost to be born fully by the commercial sector.