Notice of Opportunity to All Unit Owners!

Over the past few years, residents have attempted to advise our Board of Directors of their serious concerns relating to many different issues which have been negatively impacting them. Residents have participated in meetings with an objective to identify and seek address to many of these issues of common interest and concern for presentation to the Board.

The Board has rejected many requests of them to provide any meaningful response or respect for these many serious grievances. It is very clear that given the nature of the many complaints, residents did not realize the extent of such conduct of the board and how it could influence their lives while residing in this building.

It is very troubling and of grave concern to residents, that when they have attempted to remind the Board of even minimal legal obligations on the part of the Board, the Board immediately disputes the resident inquiry and any need for response.  In fact, they most often, immediately place blame on any resident for questioning the Board.

Residents find this very disturbing when their fellow residents with board positions use their influence to punish THEIR fellow residents with whom they disagree. The impact upon residents of the self bias and many conflicting interests of the commercial owner and management upon resident owners has created a very serious situation in this building and residents continue to become exceedingly alarmed by this situation.

The complete absence of even minimally required standards, training or even reasonable orientations for our board members and further the lack of independent foresight, is clearly apparent in the board’s  control of this building. Further, it is a most serious matter when our resident board members succumb to the direction of the commercial owner.

Those from outside of our Corporation who have observed and understand the serious nature of  our predicament, continue to advise that there is no other condominium corporation  in our province that can benefit more from the establishment of Sector representation than our building. Both address by the CCI (Canadian Condominium Institute) and recent legislative amendments to the Condominium Property Act,  have now enabled Sector representation in condominiums.  Establishing a residential sector and commercial sector in our building would provide for a very meaningful and democratic representation of these two special interest components, residential and commercial, who obviously have varied interests. Directors would simply be democratically nominated and elected, not effectively appointed as they are now. Basically, we would continue with a common board of directors, but would allow a democratic representation of both sectors on the board. Residents would nominate and elect their representation to the board of directors and the commercial owners would do the same. Democratic representation would then, truly be established.

This solution as is outlined in the Condominium Property Act, provides a most responsible, respectful and meaningful solution to the serious conflict that has existed in this building for far too long. It clearly provides a solution which can be easily accepted by any sector of owners truthfully seeking a democratic solution. The status quo can simply not be tolerated any longer. There is no valid reason why any unit owner would not be supportive of sector representation. Those who would object to such a democratic solution must of course be prepared to explain the reason for their position to residents. All unit owners in our building  are encouraged to give serious thought to this solution and express support for its implementation in 2014.