SCC Board Rejects Association Membership

At the last Annual General Meeting held on October 3, 2012, the board was asked if the Corporation held a membership in the Northern Saskatchewan Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute. Residents had requested this membership on many occassions. The response of the board was; some said yes, some said no, and the others didn’t know.

The fact is, the board has refused to purchase a membership in the association for a number of years. The benefits provided to members of this association are many. For example, members are informed of legislative changes to the Condominium Act whereas non members may never hear of these changes.

The “Sector” additions to the Act in 2009 were never made available to residents of Spadina Towers. This legislation was very relevant to the serious issues of the Corporation and could have not only helped resolve these issues, but could have saved thousands of dollars in the unneccessary expense of litigation. Serious questions remain.

Association members have also been advised  of  proposed changes to the Act regarding the new legislation requiring Condominium Corporation audits. Without a membership, SCC owners have relied on their board to provide this information. The SCC board however, has chosen to conceal this information and continue to reject the many requests for an audit of our year end financial report. Residents are obviously entitled to an explanation.

There are many other benefits including educational opportunities for board members to become more knowledgeable and effective in governance and responsibilities to their unit owners. There is certainly no valid reason for not obtaining this membership and must therefore be purchased in the interest of unit owners. Considering the provision of very useful information to unit owners by this assocation, it is clear that this membership is very much necessary.